Anton things


Railway stations 


Alstroemeria (flower)

Leg pain after exercise

Feeling hungry 

Having my back and legs stroked

Hugging Petya 

Walking in the woods


Hipster coffee shops

Fast driving alone in your car 

Drinking beer in the afternoon on holiday

Driving through the mountains



Sleeping in the daytime

Sleeping in a field or on a bench

Fresh bed linen 

Eating raspberries from a bush

When you come up with a cool idea

Beautiful singing

Talented friends 


When waiters / baristas / shop assistants recognise you

Exact phrases and words

Second light

Plane landing 

A made bed

See the shot

Getting crowns in strava

Contax T2 camera

Opinel knife

Bicycle tyres rustling on the tarmac

When climbing a mountain pass on a bicycle

Weird cookery shows and books

Noble Rot magazine

Good hotels 

Bullying friends

Warmth in the bath, boiling water in the shower